december 8 - february 3, 2019 / OPENING RECEPTION Dec. 7, 18:00-21:00 / music BY DJ quietstorm & maria fujioka
AGNES B. GALERIE BOUTIQUE aoyama / tOkyo-to minato-ku minamiaoyama 8-7-25, la fleur minamiaoyama 2f
The agnès b. Galerie Boutique, which has locations in New York and Hong Kong as well as its home in Paris, is finally opening in Tokyo. For its inauguration, the gallery is exhibiting the work of Brooklyn-based artist Rostarr and his work (mainly drawings) from the decades between 1998 and 2008. This will be Rostarr’s second installment of ‘Pareidolic Behaviour’ at the agnès b. Galerie Boutique and follows previous exhibitions and group shows with agnès b. in New York, Paris, and Tokyo.
The gallery is open to the public daily from Tuesday - Sunday. 1:30-6:30 PM. For more information/tel: 03 5778 9890